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North Shore Tramping Club

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Northcote & Birkenhead tracks

  • 28 Apr 2024
  • 8:00 AM
  • Little Shoal Bay, Maritime Terrace, Birkenhead


Registration is closed

Organiser:   Imogen 0272898440
(* All non-financial member Newbies please phone, no texts, no voice mails.
* Financial members register online.)
Driver:    NO BUS TODAY!!
Time:      8am departure
Cost:      Free to all
Meet:  Little Shoal Bay, Maritime Terrace, Birkenhead, beach carpark by the loo block. 
Currently limited parking by beach, ample street parking up Maritime Terrace.
 Kauri Glen facebook link:[%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22your_upcoming_events_unit%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22bookmark%22%7D]%2C%22ref_notif_type%22%3Anull%7D

Please register by 12pm Saturday 27th April 2024.


Join us for a number of amazing forest escarpment tracks that have very recently re-opened around Northcote War Memorial & the just officially re-opening 28th April Kauri Glen Reserve tracks, plus many more bush tracks you may not know are there, completing the full length of Onewa Rd.  
(As Kauri Glen officially re-opens today we plan to be in earlier than all the fanfare to try and avoid some of the crowd). 

Along the way expect to see huge stands of very large Kauri in a number of the walkways and in Kauri Glen, if you've not walked through there before it's just solid Kauri.  Nature at it's best.  For those that like impressive bridges, you'll be very happy as we'll pass over two large bridges, including the new Kauri Glen Reserve bridge that stands 15 metres high in the tree canopy!  

We will be walking about 5 hours with lots of ups and downs and flights of steps for an extra work-out and if we make better time than expected there is another track we can do to complete the big loop, with minimal connecting roads between tracks.   So you need to have a reasonable standard of fitness for this tramp, as we'll only have one group due to the number of connecting tracks.  

Trail runners would be ideal for this event, or running shoes.  Tramping boots will be too heavy on some of the surfaces.  

Please ensure you have food and 2 litres of water with you as we endeavour not to have to make a pitstop that will slow the trip.  
 Bring money if you'd like to partake of an ice cream or coffee at the end of the tramp.  

There is also an added little surprise we can add in, just 2 minutes drive way that most are unlikely to have done!  

**  PLEASE ensure that all of your gear is clean, poles, boots, bag etc, as always before and again afterwards, especially when passing through Kauri'd areas.    And fully cleaned afterwards!

** During our tramp, the first person to find these super cute painted rocks wins a prize!  

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