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North Shore Tramping Club

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North Shore Tramping Club Photo Competition - REMINDER

  • 16 Sep 2023
  • 5:00 PM
  • 20 Sep 2023
  • Your Camera

North Shore Tramping Club Photo Competition

Be in to win a prize generously sponsored through Adventure Magazine.  Limited to current Club Members

It's time to dig out your favourite photos and share them with us and, thanks to our generous sponsors, possibly win a prize. 

There will be three categories:

A. NZ Scenes - with or without people,

B. NZ Wildlife, plants, flowers

C. NZ People - any tramping connection

Please include a caption with your name and where the photo was shot.

Our sponsors will then select the top 5 for each category and every member gets a chance to vote on your favourite.

Load your photos :

a) onto Google Drive at  NSTC Photo Competition , OR

 b) email to and he will load them.

The small print:

1. Submit your photos (maximum of 5 photos each) by Wednesday 20th September - don't forget your name and where it was taken.

2. Finalists selected by Adventure Magazine and presented at the Social Wednesday 27th September. 

3. Everyone gets to vote on your favourites until 20th November.

4. Adventure Magazine will then select an overall winner who will receive a prize pack.

5. Winners announced at the Social 29th November.

6. As this is the first year of what will become an annual event, this year you can load a photo from ANY year. 

7. Your own photos - no plagiarism please.

8. The judges' decisions will be final and no discussion will be entered into.

Get into it!

Eric Skilling. 

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