North Shore Tramping Club
It's been a while since we've done a club day trip up the incredibly stunning The Pinnacles, Coromandel due to bridge wash outs and track closures etc. So we will cross the suspension bridge and head up the main track, up to Hydro Camp and then head up to the very large 80 bunk Hut to hang out whilst we eat lunch at about 620 metres for the Mediums. The Fast group will head up 773 metre Pinnacles (weather dependent, as long as the weather isn't rough). The view from the top is incredible on a clear day and a fun climb up with metal ladders at the very top. All groups will come back down via the Billy Goat Track, unless the river level is up and then we'll return the way we went up. Please note, this tramp although not difficult, is not suitable for newbies, unless you're very fit, as it is 2 hours 30 climb up to the hut roughly and about the same down. The views along the way are impressive, so bring your phone or camera! Especially if you're past party going to the tippy top! As always, PLEASE ensure that all your gear is absolutely clean!! **** PLEASE NOTE EARLY DEPARTURE TIME
Depart: 8am, The Strand Takapuna
Organiser: Imogen 027 289 8440 (newbies, no texts please)
Cost: $25 members, $30 non-members, $5 juniors
Driver: Bernhard
Maps Online / Printable / GPS
To access the printable maps, download the zipped file, and either:
· open the zipped file, then drag the files to a new location OR
· press and hold (or right-click) the zipped file, select Extract All, and then follow the instructions