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North Shore Tramping Club

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Kaimai Ridge Line Working Bee, Kaimai Ranges

  • 10 Nov 2018
  • 7:30 AM
  • 11 Nov 2018
  • Corner 6 Auburn St & Como St carpark, Takapuna


Registration is closed

The North Shore Tramping Club has undertaken to clear one of the many tracks in the Kaimai Ranges, which is administered by the Kaimai Ridgeway Trust.

Several previous trips undertaken by members have enabled nearly half of the track to be cleared. The track runs north from the top of the Wairere Falls to a junction near Aongatete.

Are you able to help on the next trip?  The work is not difficult.  All you need is some good garden gloves and hedge cutters.  It will be an ideal time because the rain has softened the ground,  and enable grasses and plants can be pulled out with ease, as we have previously experienced.

As there is no cabins, tents are required (available for loan from the club if required).  There is an abundance of clean water available in the streams.

Is there someone who can loan a GPS to enable a particular site to be located along the track?  We have the co-ordinates.

Depart:  7:30am, Saturday morning
                  Corner 6 Auburn Street & Como Street carpark, Takapuna

Return: Sunday afternoon

Cost:  Free

Organiser:  For more information, contact Ralph Martin on 022 600 5730 / 09 420 3494, or email Ralph here.

Driver: Pierre

Bookings:  Register via the website, or contact Karen at 0274 106 001  or 

More information:   See
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